Bootstrap Calendar

Hello, folks! We’re going to learn how we can add bootstrap calendar in our web page, that exhibits Year, Month, Dates, Events and additional features of previous and next month buttons. You can refer to our attractive bootstrap templates for a quick solution.   Let’s take a look at the files we’re going to use in this …

5+ Best jQuery Slider Plugins 2022 (Free & Paid)

jQuery slider plugins are specially designed for developers, website manages and people who want to have attractive slider effects visible on their website. There is a large number of jQuery plugins for sliders available online. So, to simplify your search process we have listed some of the best jQuery slider plugins on this blog. All these …

Bootstrap Carousel

The Bootstrap carousel is a component for sliding through elements. It is a flexible, responsive and attractive way for adding a slider in our website. It is a dynamic presentation of contents where text and images are made visible or accessible to the user by sliding through several items. Bootstrap carousel are not supported properly …